How Long Do Mosquitoes Live Inside Your Home?

During the summer, mosquitoes are active and are seeking out moisture and a dark place to live. They can enter your home through small openings such as cracks in a door or window.

To keep mosquitoes out of your home, you need to ensure that you close all doors at dusk. This includes bathroom exhaust vents, attic soffits, and broken screens. You can also purchase door strips to block mosquitoes from entering your home.

Mosquitoes can also be found in laundry rooms and basements. These areas have lots of sources of water. In addition, they are commonly nesting in the leaves of trees and shrubbery.

Mosquitoes can be killed by applying a repellent such as rosemary, catnip, lavender, or citronella. Some homeowners choose to use natural and organic methods of controlling mosquitoes. You can also consider installing a koi fish to help repel them.

The mosquito’s lifespan depends on the type of mosquito. Some will only live for a few days, while others can live for months. For instance, female mosquitoes that feed on blood can live for a month or more inside your house.

Some species of mosquito can even go into hibernation. If you are infected with malaria, the symptoms will usually occur three to 14 days after a bite.

If you want to get rid of mosquitoes, you need to identify their food and water sources. If you have a toddler pool, drain it when it isn’t in use. You can also drain bird baths when they are full. Other common water sources include sinks, leaky pipes, and lawn sprinklers.