Can Mosquitoes Hurt Dogs?

Unlike humans, dogs are not able to tell you that they have been bitten by a mosquito. However, you can take action to avoid the pain and irritation that mosquitoes can cause.

When a dog is bitten by a mosquito, a red, raised welt forms. After a few days, the itching subsides. Fortunately, most dogs recover from the bites on their own. If the welt continues to itch, it is time to seek veterinary care.

If your dog has an allergy to mosquitoes, a veterinarian can prescribe medication that will help relieve the itching and discomfort. Oral antihistamines, such as epinephrine, are often safe for pets.

If your dog’s skin is very sensitive, you may also want to consider giving him an Elizabethan collar. This collar is designed to prevent the dog from licking the area where the bite occurred. This will prevent further injury or infection.

You can also try baking soda paste to soothe the itching of a mosquito bite. You can apply this to a small area of your dog’s coat. It is best applied to areas that have less hair. The mixture can be messy, but it is not harmful if your dog licks it.

You can also try putting lemon juice on your dog’s coat. Several studies have shown that it can help repel mosquitoes. You can apply it with a spray or reapply it every two to three hours. You should avoid applying it to your dog’s eyes.