Do I Need Mosquito Repellent in Egypt?

Whether you are planning to travel to Egypt or have already made your journey, it is essential to carry an insect repellent. Mosquitoes can bring you malaria and other nasty diseases.

The best repellents work well throughout the day and night. You should also wear a good sun hat. This will help protect you from the Egyptian sun.

In addition, you should drink plenty of water. You can buy bottled water or filtered water in most hotels. The tap water in Egypt is not safe to drink.

For oral hygiene, you should carry floss sticks. You should also pack toothpaste. You should also make sure that you have up-to-date vaccinations.

You should also make sure that you have a good quality sun hat and sunglasses. In addition, you should avoid wearing tank tops and shorts.

A large shawl will also be useful. You can use it for visiting mosques or churches. You should also bring an eye mask. This will help you sleep better.

While you are in Egypt, you should also consider purchasing a compact electric shaver. You can also buy shaving cream, laundry soap, and shampoo.

If you are traveling to Egypt, you should be aware of the hazards of sandstorms. You should also avoid drinking beverages that contain ice. This is because they are often made with tap water.

You should also make sure that you get an up-to-date tetanus vaccination. This should be done at least two weeks before your trip.