Can You Use Neosporin For Mosquito Bites?

Whether you’re suffering from an insect bite or a more serious reaction, the best way to treat your itch is to avoid scratching it. In fact, the more you scratch, the worse your skin will itch and the more likely you are to get an infection.

If you have a mild reaction, a nonprescription antihistamine product can help alleviate the itching. An ice pack can also reduce swelling and ease irritation. If you’ve got a more severe reaction, you might need an oral antihistamine.

You can also try applying a cool compress to soothe the itching. An ice cube in a wet washcloth works well. You might also want to consider using an antibiotic ointment to treat your infection.

Using a calamine lotion has also been shown to alleviate itching. If you have a particularly painful bug bite, you can use hydrocortisone cream (OTC). This medication is available without a prescription. You can apply it two or three times a day for up to a month.

A natural astringent, tea bags, can also be applied to a mosquito bite. Some people swear by this method. You can even apply a cotton ball dipped in vinegar on the bite. The natural disinfectant will help seal in the moisture and keep it from spreading out of the skin.

Another natural way to soothe a bitten area is to apply fresh onion juice. It will make your eyes water, but it’ll also help tame the itch.