Can You Eat Mosquito When Pregnant?
During pregnancy, mosquito-borne illnesses are harmful to the growing fetus. In particular, malaria can cause premature delivery, low birth weight, and a host of other maladies. The good news is that insect repellents are effective and safe.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the best and safest way to avoid mosquito bites is to use an insect repellent. The active ingredients of the best products are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency. You can buy permethrin or a similar product and apply it to your clothing or bed netting.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend using a repellent containing DEET to prevent mosquito-borne diseases. However, questions have been raised about the safety of DEET for pregnant women.
There isn’t a lot of scientific evidence that shows that a certain diet can help you stay mosquito-free. In fact, the relationship between diet and mosquito attraction is complex.
In general, the best way to avoid mosquitoes is to wear long sleeves, pants, and light clothing. In addition, you should bathe in garlic to repel mosquitoes. You can also burn citronella candles to give you a little extra protection.
There are some studies that link diet to mosquito attraction, but the results are mixed. In one study, about 20% of people were deemed more attractive than others.
A more comprehensive study examining the relationship between malaria and mosquito attraction in Africa found that the most effective ways to repel mosquitoes were to bathe in garlic, apply repellents, and wear loose clothing.