Can You Eat Mosquito Repellent When Pregnant?

Using mosquito repellent during pregnancy is safe, as long as you use the right kind. Some products contain chemicals that can be toxic to the unborn baby.

If you’re pregnant, you’re probably already aware that you have to be careful about where you go, as mosquitoes carry a number of dangerous diseases. Insect-borne illnesses can cause muscle weakness, fever, headache, and rash. They can also cause confusion, redness of the eyes, and night sweats.

If you’re pregnant, you may want to consider using a product that contains DEET. This is a chemical compound that’s used in most insect repellents. DEET has been used since the 1950s, and has been proven to help stop insects from biting. However, some DEET can reach the unborn baby, so it’s best to use insect repellents with low or moderate concentrations.

Some other alternatives to DEET are citronella and natural plant oils. While not studies have been done on human use, these alternative repellents are not known to pose any risks to the unborn.

Another option is a product that is made of oil of lemon eucalyptus. This oil is an alternative to P-menthane-3,8-diol. It’s considered safe for pregnant women, but you should not use it on children under 3 years of age.

Another option is IR3535, a plant-based alternative to DEET. This type of repellent is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It’s safe for breast-feeding moms, and has proven to be effective in protecting pregnant women from insect-borne diseases.