Are Mosquitoes Bad For Rabbits?

Keeping your rabbits inside during the hot months of the year is a great way to prevent mosquitoes from biting them. However, if you leave your bunnies outdoors, you should also make sure that they do not have access to stagnant water. This can be prevented by using mosquito coils and candles.

There are several types of diseases that can be transmitted to your pet. These include rabies, encephalitozoonosis, and Myxomatosis. If you think that your bunny may be infected with one of these diseases, you should contact a veterinarian. They can give you the information you need and recommend the best treatments.

Some of the most common causes of disease in rabbits include stress, infections, and the calicivirus. This infection damages the internal organs of the rabbit. It can lead to haemorrhaging and bleeding from the nose.

If you suspect your rabbit is infected, you will need to separate it from other rabbits. You will need to take it to the vet as soon as possible.

To keep your bunny from being bitten by mosquitoes, you should put screens in your outdoor hutch. You can also use mosquito coils around your hutch. Alternatively, you can drape a netting over your exercise pen. You can find insect-proof netting at your local hardware store.

You should also consider vaccinating your rabbit. There are two vaccinations available in Australia. If you choose to vaccinate, be sure to talk to your vet about the best treatment for your rabbit.