Are Mosquitoes Bad For Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, mosquitoes are not a major threat to pregnant women. However, some mosquitoes can carry diseases that can be harmful to the mother and unborn child. There are several ways to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes during pregnancy.

One of the best ways to keep mosquitoes at bay is to wear long sleeved clothing. You can also use citronella candles. Make sure you wash your hands after applying insect repellent.

Other ways to protect yourself from mosquito bites are by using repellant that is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and avoiding standing water. You can also bathe in garlic, which will repel mosquitoes.

During pregnancy, mosquitoes are attracted to your body’s carbon dioxide. If you are a pregnant woman, you may exhale 21 percent more air than a non-pregnant woman. This is because your body is producing more volatile substances.

In addition to these common methods, you can also apply a topical application that can be harmful to your baby’s growth. A DEET repellant is generally safe for pregnant women. You can consult your doctor about the proper amount to use.

You may also want to consider using essential oils such as cedar and geranium. You can also wear an EPA-approved, pregnancy-safe sunscreen.

Aside from mosquitoes, you should avoid being bitten by fleas, arachnids, and bed bugs. These insects can be venomous and can cause a miscarriage. You should also be aware of malaria, which can cause you to become anemic. If you have traveled to a malaria-risk area, you should inform your health care provider.