Do Mosquitoes Get Drunk Off Blood?

Whether mosquitoes get drunk off blood depends on several factors. While it is true that some mosquitoes are blood-suckers, others prefer to eat fruit and flowers. Regardless of the reason, you can be sure that mosquitoes like to bite drunk people.

Although some mosquitoes eat a wide variety of food, they generally prefer bright colors, fruits and flowers. Male mosquitoes are known to seek out nectar-producing plants, while females feed on blood.

The female mosquito also requires blood nutrients for its reproductive system. When a female is pregnant, she feeds on blood to help make fertile eggs. These eggs can cause malaria, West Nile and dengue.

Researchers have used powerful microscopes to study the mosquito feeding system. They have also filmed a mosquito proboscis, which shows how mosquitoes pierce the skin. These videos have allowed scientists to better understand how mosquitoes find their prey.

Scientists also use inebriometers to test mosquitoes’ sensitivity to alcohol. The results show that mosquitoes can withstand vapor concentrations of up to 60 percent alcohol.

When a mosquito bites, it pierces the skin with a flexible lip-like sheath called a labium. This sheath consists of six needle-like parts called stylets. Each stylet pushes in a small section of the skin and keeps the labium outside of the mosquito.

Researchers have also found that mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide. When they breathe out, they leave a trail of carbon dioxide behind. This can alert other mosquitoes of blood-bearing mammals in the vicinity.