Why Do Head Lice Keep Coming Back?

People who are suffering from head lice often wonder why their treatments don’t work. One common reason is that the lice have developed resistance to chemicals used for treatment. In addition, they won’t die if they aren’t able to find a human host for more than 48 hours. Often, the best way to cure head lice is to use a combination of home remedies and professional lice treatments.

The first step in treating head lice is to check everyone in the household. If someone in the family is experiencing itching or a rash, it’s likely that he or she has been in contact with the head lice. When you check each person, it’s important to be thorough – even if the person doesn’t have itchy skin. If you notice any recurrence, you should inform the rest of the family and get all of your family tested.

In order to completely eliminate head lice, you should focus on killing the adult lice, which live on the head, as well as their eggs. This is important because, even if you kill the adult lice, there is still a possibility of the nymphs hatching from the eggs left in your hair. This is why you may think you’re cured, but in reality, you’re just going round in a vicious cycle of getting head lice.

Another important step is to keep the lice out of your child’s hair. Lice eggs are extremely tiny and stick to hair shafts. They are easiest to spot around the ears and hairline on the neck. The empty nits are lighter and further away from the scalp. Although nits can be easily removed by combs, they aren’t a cure, and fine-combing your child’s hair isn’t always the best option for children. Furthermore, head lice spread from one child to another when they play or get together. Then, they come back, which makes it so important to treat them.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!