Which of the Following is Not an Effective Treatment For Head Lice?
One of the best ways to kill head lice is to apply a treatment that contains permethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid. Permethrin lotion is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and is highly effective at killing live lice. This treatment also kills newly hatched lice. In some cases, permethrin can kill newly hatched lice for days after it is applied. Some treatments require a second application, and you should consult with your healthcare provider if you have concerns or aren’t sure what treatment to use.
Medicated shampoos for head lice can be found over-the-counter and in prescription forms. Medicated shampoos often contain pyrethrin or permethrin, and can help kill the lice. You should also use a fine-toothed comb to loosen the lice from your hair. Make sure to soak the comb in hot water for 10 minutes before using it to remove the head lice. These treatments require following the manufacturer’s instructions and are most effective when used properly.
A typical adult head louse lives for thirty days. During this time, the female louse deposits about 90 eggs. The eggs hatch and mature within seven to ten days. The adults can lay as many as 100 eggs before they die. As a result, treatment with an anti-parasite treatment is essential to prevent the spread of head lice.