When Are Head Lice Contagious?

If you are concerned about the possibility of catching head lice, you should be aware that these insects are contagious, but do not worry; you don’t have to panic! There is a simple treatment you can do at home to kill lice. The important thing to remember is to avoid direct contact with other infested people.

First, you should thoroughly wash your child’s clothing and other personal items. Use hot water and dry them on high heat. After a few days, store the clothing in a plastic bag and wash it again. Never use pesticides on the clothing, as these will expose the entire family to dangerous chemicals. In addition, you should check all household members to make sure that everyone doesn’t have lice.

Lice are contagious and spread easily, especially within the same household. If you suspect that your child has head lice, treat them promptly and thoroughly to prevent further transmission. You should keep your children away from people who have lice and avoid head-to-head contact at home and school. You should also check them for lice if they have recently had close contact with an infected individual. Treating lice isn’t difficult – all you have to do is treat the infected areas near the scalp.

Head lice are more common in the first few days of infestation and usually appear as nits on the scalp or hair. Their eggs hatch in seven to 12 days. During this time, the lice are not visible because they are egg-like. They are small and white, so it can be difficult to spot them. In addition, they can also be mistaken for dandruff or scabs.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!