What Should You Do If Your Child Has Been Exposed to Head Lice?

If you think your child might be exposed to head lice, there are a few steps that you can take to prevent the spread of the infection. The first step is to isolate the child from other children with head lice. This means that you should not let your child lie on another person’s head or use their towels or combs. Also, make sure that your child doesn’t share stuffed animals or hats. You should also wash any personal items your child uses in hot water, and dry them using a hot dryer. If your child is not able to wash their personal items, place them in a plastic bag for at least two weeks. Another thing that you can do is to soak hairbrushes in hot water to kill lice.

Head lice are spread by direct head-to-head contact. Less commonly, they can be spread through sharing belongings. Lice can crawl onto a person’s clothing, carpet, or furniture and attach themselves to shed hairs. If you don’t share your clothes with anyone, the risk of becoming infested with head lice is very low. The nits of the lice cannot hatch if the temperature is below that of the scalp. If you suspect your child has been exposed to head lice, you should notify your child’s preschool, school, or child care service as soon as possible. You should also keep your child home until the day after treatment.

Once you’ve identified the lice, you should start using a head lice treatment. You can buy a product that contains pyrethrin and permethrin. These products work by killing lice and eggs that have been laid on the head. However, it’s important to follow directions carefully so you don’t aggravate the infection. Remember to rinse your hair thoroughly after treatment to prevent spreading the infestation.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!