What Do I Need to Know About Head Lice?
If you suspect your child may have head lice, there are several steps you can take to prevent further infestation. One of the first steps is to clean your child’s personal items in hot water and dry them thoroughly. Afterwards, place the items in a plastic bag and store them in a warm or hot clothes dryer. You can also check your child’s hairbrush for signs of lice.
If you suspect your child may have head lice, contact their health care provider immediately. This way, you can treat the lice before they spread to other children. Medicated products are also available that are designed to kill lice quickly. Depending on how many lice your child has, a treatment can be completed in about two to three weeks.
While head lice are most common in school-aged children, adults can also be at risk of acquiring the pests. They are spread by touching heads with infected individuals or sharing items used by the infected person. Fortunately, head lice do not carry any serious diseases. In many cases, head lice are treatable at home, although you should always seek professional help before beginning a treatment plan.
While it is important to treat head lice, you should not isolate your child from other children. If your child has head lice, they will likely spread the infection to other children in the classroom. It is important to remember that there are other children in the class who have head lice without any symptoms. If your child is in school, make sure he or she does not share combs, tuques, or hats.