What Do Head Lice Need to Survive?
Head lice are tiny insects that live on the head of humans. They are grayish-white or tan in color. They can live for up to 30 days before dying. During their life cycle, an adult lice can lay up to 100 eggs. These eggs are glued to the hair shaft and hatch within four to ten days. After hatching, adult lice can live for up to two days off of the scalp.
The best way to prevent head lice is to avoid sharing personal items. Try not to share hats, stuffed animals, or other clothing with others. Also, make sure to wash all items in hot water and then dry them on the hot cycle in the dryer. You can also soak hairbrushes and other items in hot water to kill the lice.
After removing the infested items, you should wash them in hot water. You should also dry them on a high heat for ten to twenty minutes. If the items cannot be washed, freeze them overnight. You should avoid using pesticide sprays to kill head lice because they can expose your household to harmful chemicals. In addition, you should not use pesticide sprays on furniture and bedding. Vacuuming is the best way to remove any falling hairs and nits.
The best way to treat head lice is to treat the underlying cause and prevent them from recurrence. Medicated treatments are often recommended by doctors, and are available over the counter and in prescription form. These products must be applied according to manufacturer instructions. Most head lice medicines require two applications to be effective. If you don’t complete both treatments, you risk reinfesting, and you will have to start again with a new round of pesticides.