What Can I Use to Get Rid of Head Lice?
Pure coconut oil is an effective remedy for head lice. It contains compounds that disrupt the louse’s life cycle. It also has natural insect repellent properties. There are neem oil-based shampoos available over-the-counter. You can also mix eight to 10 drops of neem oil essential oil in one ounce of your regular shampoo. Apply this mixture to the head and leave it on for at least 20 minutes. The smell may be off-putting, but it has been proven to work.
Changing pillowcases is another common solution to head lice. If you’ve had head-to-head contact with someone with head lice, you’ll need to treat the entire household. Changing pillowcases will help kill the lice, but you’ll still need to wash and dry the pillowcases.
Preventing head-to-head contact is the most effective preventative measure against lice. It’s also important not to share towels, combs, and bandanas. You also should prevent sharing blankets, pillows, or mattresses with other children. Moreover, don’t let your child share his or her hat or stuffed animal with other children. If you can’t wash the items, you can put them in a plastic bag for two weeks. Also, you can soak hairbrushes in hot water before using them.
Medicated shampoos and lotions can be used to kill head lice. These products are available in supermarkets, pharmacies, and online. These products have anti-head lice properties and will kill lice on all types of hair. Some of these sprays and lotions even come with a comb to remove dead lice.