Should I Keep My Child Off School With Head Lice?
The decision whether to keep a child off school due to head lice is up to the school. There are some cases in which a school will allow a child with head lice to attend classes. In those cases, it is essential for the parents to contact the school and inform them of the presence of lice.
Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for treating head lice. The best way to control an outbreak and prevent it from returning is to treat it properly. In addition to using a professional product, parents should check their children’s hair once a week. If you notice any nits, you should treat them immediately.
The only real harm that head lice can cause is preventing a child from attending school. In addition to using medicated shampoos to kill the lice, parents should thoroughly wash their child’s hair, as well as everything else they’re likely to use. After the treatment, a child can return to school.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recently updated its guidelines on head lice. The report notes that most cases of head lice are acquired outside the school setting. Therefore, it’s unnecessary to prevent healthy children from attending school. The Academy also advised community health leaders to educate parents to use reason over reaction when deciding whether to keep a child off school with head lice.