How Long Does It Take to Develop Head Lice Infection?

The symptoms of head lice infestation vary from person to person. Some people are highly sensitive to the bugs while others may be less affected. A severe infestation may lead to sleep disturbance and irritability. Lice are tiny parasitic insects that live close to the scalp and feed on human blood. The first sign of head lice infestation is an itchy scalp. However, the infection may have already taken place before the first symptom appears.

Generally, an infestation starts with a single adult louse. This louse can live in an area for up to a month. A single louse may lay only one or two eggs, but two or more louse eggs means an infestation. You can treat yourself by using a lice treatment to kill the bugs.

The best way to prevent the spread of head lice is to wash clothing and personal items frequently. You should also treat all household members who have been in contact with an infested person. Also, avoid sharing hats, stuffed animals, and other personal items. Wash clothing and other personal items in hot water, and if possible, dry them in a hot dryer. If washing is not an option, you should freeze personal items for at least two weeks to kill lice.

Although the symptoms of head lice infection do not develop right away, they usually start to appear about two to four weeks after the initial exposure. This is because lice take time to multiply. You may notice itching in your hair right away, or you may notice sores on the scalp or neck. You may also have trouble sleeping or scratching your head. But, not every person who has lice will experience any of these symptoms. Often, it will take a trained eye to diagnose lice.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!