How Long Does Head Lice Last For?
Head lice are tiny parasites that live on the head. These insects feed on human blood and can survive up to 48 hours in your hair. Fortunately, you do not have to isolate your child or yourself from others if you suspect that you have head lice. In some cases, the lice will die on their own after two weeks if you treat them properly. The main way to treat head lice is to avoid contact with infested hair and clothing.
Head lice are spread by direct hair-to-hair contact. There are three stages of lice: nits, nymphs, and adults. The adult head louse is about two millimeters long and is off-white or yellow. Adult head lice live for around two weeks on the head.
The life cycle of head lice is short and can be easily missed if you are careful about your hair and prevent close contact. Most people do not notice their infestation until a few weeks have passed. However, some people are more sensitive to head lice and will immediately notice itching in their scalps.
If you have live lice in your child’s hair, it is important to get them treated as soon as possible. There are products that can kill the lice and their nits, but these products are not foolproof. You should always consult your doctor if you suspect your child has head lice.