How Can Head Lice Be Washed Out?
Despite the alleged efficacy of insecticides, head lice can still survive on a human scalp even after being washed. The common insecticides that are available on the market are toxic to humans and the environment, and they aren’t always the best option. The most popular treatments include using pesticides that are toxic to the nervous system of louse larvae, which kills lice and eggs. However, these products are not 100% effective, and a second application of the product is often required seven to ten days after the initial treatment. If you skip this second application, you risk reinfesting and have to start over from scratch.
The process of getting rid of head lice is simple. Unlike other types of infections, you don’t need to buy special chemicals or wash your entire house. You don’t need to use bug bombs or even wash all the bedding in your home. The best way to kill head lice is to clean all the items that have come into contact with the infested person. This includes clothing, bedding, and other items that come in contact with your child’s head.
Before beginning treatment, make sure your child is fully dressed, and then rinse his or her head with hot water. Rinse thoroughly and repeat treatment as necessary. In addition to washing out head lice, make sure to check all household members for head lice.