Do Head Lice Make Your Hair Glitchy?

Washing your hair is an important part of your personal hygiene, but how often should you do it? The frequency depends on your hair type and lifestyle, but it is important to keep your scalp and hair as clean as possible. Clean hair will not attract head lice. Instead, they will find a warm, moist host to feed on, providing protection and the necessary elements needed for their survival. According to an article in ABC Health and Well Being, “Clean hair can help keep head lice from breeding.”

Although there is a misconception that head lice make hair greasy, it’s not true. Lice don’t like oil because they can’t latch onto hair follicles. They’ll live in areas where hair naturally gets less oily, such as behind the ears and the back of the neck.

To get rid of head lice, you must first treat your hair with a lice treatment. This treatment usually involves combing through your hair section by section with a special comb. You should also refrain from washing your hair for a few days after the treatment. You should also strip all beds in your home and wash all bedding with hot water. After washing, you should dry the items using a hot dryer. If you cannot wash your bedding, it’s best to seal it in a plastic bag for at least two weeks. You should also wash carpeting and throw rugs and vacuum them.

You can tell if you have head lice by looking at your hair. A lice infestation will cause itchy scalp and dandruff. The flakes you see on your head are the flakes of skin from the lice. These flakes will stick to your hair and cause your hair to become greasy and flaky. Head lice are highly contagious and spread easily from person to person.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!