Do Head Lice Live in Trees?
There are two ways in which head lice spread. The most common method involves contact with a person infested with the pest. The other method is through inanimate objects such as clothing. In any case, it is best to avoid contact with an infested person. Lice cannot survive for more than 24 hours away from their host.
The eggs of the lice are tiny and inconspicuous. They are tan, white, or grey in color. Adult lice live up to 30 days and feed on blood. The adult louse is about the size of a sesame seed. It is difficult to see without extreme concentration. The louse has six legs and a segmented body.
It is best to consult a doctor if you are worried that your child may be infected. Using lice shampoo regularly will help prevent future infestations. Although head lice do not pose a significant risk, they can be a nuisance. You can also keep the infestation at bay by using a lice repellent shampoo.
A female head louse lays 50 to 150 eggs over her lifetime. These eggs are hard to spot and often appear as whitish bumps. The nymphs hatch and molt several times over the next nine to fifteen days. The nymphs are smaller than adult lice.