Do Head Lice Have to Mate to Lay Eggs?
The first step in removing head lice is removing the baby lice. Baby lice are nearly invisible and must be removed with tweezers or your nails. They mature in one week and change from nearly transparent to reddish brown. Once they have matured, they mate and lay their eggs.
Head lice can infest children in close quarters. Children who share a bed may be at a higher risk of getting head lice. These lice are spread via direct head-to-head contact and by sharing personal items. However, it is possible to prevent head lice by keeping long hair tied back or by checking weekly for lice.
Female lice are larger than male lice. Their front two legs are longer and have specialized legs that are used to hold the female during copulation. Male lice are slightly smaller than female lice and have a pointed end to their abdomen. Male lice have a well-developed genital apparatus inside their abdomen. Female lice have two gonopods, shaped like a W, on the end of their abdomen. A female lice produces an egg from a specialized reproductive organ that secretes glue.
Female lice have much larger eggs than males. This dimorphism is crucial to reproduction. During copulation, male lice use thick antenna to cling onto the female. They also approach her from behind, slide under her, and curl the tip of their abdomen. Males that are too small or too large will be unable to reach her or will overshoot her.