Do Head Lice Go Away Without Treatment?
Head lice will continue to stay in the head without treatment. The longer you leave the problem untreated, the worse the infection will become. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your child get rid of the lice. First, you should make sure that the child has clean hair. When lice are present on the head, sticky things will be stuck to it.
Using a fine-toothed comb can help you remove the lice and nits. You should make sure to lubricate the comb and the hair thoroughly. Repeat this combing process every three or four days. You can also dry-clean your child’s clothing. If you’ve tried everything else and still see lice, see a dermatologist.
A typical head lice infestation will last for up to 30 days. Regular shampoo and hair care products will not get rid of them. A female louse can lay up to six eggs a day, which hatch in about 10 days. A few of these eggs will develop into nymphs. These nymphs will then start laying eggs.
If your child’s hair is contaminated with lice, it is important to notify all those who have had head-to-head contact with your child. In most cases, you won’t need to treat your entire family. In some cases, you might only need to treat your child’s pillowcase if you’re sure that everyone else in the house has them. This way, you’ll avoid spreading the infection.