Do Head Lice Die Naturally?
While some people swear by vinegar as a head lice treatment, this remedy has not been proven to kill these critters. Lice are helpless insects with more than a dozen openings for breathing, and can live for up to 30 days on your head. A female head louse can lay between five and 10 eggs per day, which means that you could easily have a severe infestation in a matter of weeks.
Head lice are transmitted from person to person through close contact. You should not share towels, combs, or clothing with a person who has head lice. You should also wash and dry any clothing and bed linens you might have shared with an infested person. You shouldn’t use fumigant sprays to kill lice, which are harmful if they are inhaled or absorbed through the skin.
Adult lice are about the size of a sesame seed, and the eggs are attached to the hair strand. These eggs need a warm place to hatch, such as the scalp, to survive. However, lice eggs don’t hatch unless they are in an ideal environment. In a situation where they are not exposed to ideal conditions, they usually die after a week.
Hot water is an excellent natural treatment for head lice. The temperature of the water should be 130 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 minutes or more. Using a hair dryer or vacuum can also help kill lice and eggs. You should also soak hair care products in medicated shampoo or rubbing alcohol and place them in the dishwasher.