Can You Go Swimming With Head Lice?

If you suspect that you have head lice, the first step is to find out the source of the infestation. Fortunately, you can cure head lice with a simple home remedy. One common solution is soaking your clothing and other personal items in disinfectant cleaners like Lysol or alcohol for a couple of days. However, it’s important to remember that swimming with head lice can be dangerous, so you should not increase the amount of chlorine in the pool. The CDC notes that the amount of chlorine needed to kill lice in the water is not safe for humans.

A good way to avoid spreading head lice is to keep your children’s hair from coming into contact with yours. A simple way to do this is by teaching your kids not to share towels with each other. In addition to that, make sure that your children wear swimming caps. These swimming caps can prevent the lice from attaching themselves to your child’s hair.

One common myth is that head lice can’t survive in water. However, this is not entirely true. Lice can survive under water for up to three hours. If your child has head lice, they will remain on their head even if the swimming pool is chlorinated. In addition, chlorine and most over-the-counter lice treatments do not kill lice, so swimming won’t cure the problem.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!