Can Head Lice Spread to Dogs?

While it may be tempting to blame your dog for having a lice infestation, it is not possible to spread head lice from people to dogs. The only way for head lice to spread to a dog is through direct head-to-head contact with the infested person. While it is unlikely that you’ll ever see a dog with full head lice infestation, it’s important to check if you notice any abnormal behavior in your dog.

Pet lice cannot spread from person to person because they’re designed to live on specific species of animals. Dog lice and cat lice are two different types of lice. Each species of lice lives in a different part of the body. Dog lice are primarily found in the head, while cat lice live in the pubic area.

Dogs are not infected by the same types of head lice that humans have. While dog lice may fall from human heads to dogs, human lice cannot survive on any other surface. Dog lice, also called louse, can live on dogs for up to 24 hours. They also need the temperature of a human head to live. This is why it’s important to treat your dog carefully.

Although head lice cannot spread from humans to dogs, they can hitchhike on family pets. When children play with family pets, they may accidentally pass head lice to them. However, these animals are unlikely to remain infected long enough to cause problems. Therefore, you should treat your child’s head before treating the pet’s head.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!