Can Head Lice Give You Dandruff?
Head lice are parasitic insects that infest the hair follicles of humans. Their main source of food is the blood of the scalp, which is why they are especially common among school-aged children. However, adults can also develop dandruff, which is a noninflammatory skin condition that affects about 50 percent of the world’s population. Dandruff generally develops during puberty but becomes less prevalent as people get older.
Fortunately, if you have dandruff, it is easy to treat. First, you can use a medicated shampoo to kill lice and their eggs, which is the main cause of dandruff. This kind of shampoo should be used twice a week.
The treatment for dandruff usually consists of a gentle medicated shampoo that contains specific ingredients. The treatment usually takes several weeks or longer, depending on the severity of the dandruff. During this period, the scalp may become itchy.
The best way to identify lice is to look for their eggs and larvae. These are close to the scalp and often cannot be seen. But you should never ignore the nits – these are the eggs laid by lice – they are brown and appear against a white background. In addition to dandruff, head lice can also cause seborrheic dermatitis, which is similar to dandruff.
Although lice and dandruff are very similar, they can be very different conditions. The difference between head lice and dandruff is that lice are different parasites. Lice have a very different structure than dandruff. Lice larvae live in the body of the human body, so they feed on blood and remain close to the scalp. Their saliva irritates the scalp.