Can Head Lice Cause Body Lice?

Head lice are the most common form of lice found on children and are spread through head-to-head contact or shared clothing and personal items. The best way to avoid catching lice is to keep your personal belongings clean at all times. You should also clean your clothes frequently. If you notice any signs of lice, you should take action as soon as possible.

Infestations of body lice typically begin as small, discolored dots that eventually enlarge into a larger ring. In severe infestations, the skin may become thicker and darker. Symptoms may also include a fever and a rash. Severe infestations may also lead to anemia or blood loss.

Body lice are not as common as head lice, but the same symptoms may appear on your body. They usually stay close to the scalp and behind the ears, but they can also infest eyebrows and eyelashes. They will also lay their eggs in the clothing that touches the body. Fortunately, body lice are not spreadable from human to human.

Body lice are spread by direct contact with other people and cannot be passed to pets. They can also be spread by clothing and bedding, but they are difficult to identify without a magnifying glass. The main treatment for body lice is improving personal hygiene. Taking showers and washing clothes regularly is vital. Bedding should also be washed at least once a week. Ideally, the clothing should be dried on a hot cycle. Lice-killing medicine may also be required in severe cases.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!