Can Head Lice Bite Your Body?

Many people may wonder if head lice can bite your body. This pest feeds on human blood and injects saliva into the scalp. These bites are not immediately noticeable, but it will take up to a month before people start developing a severe allergic reaction. The bites look like tiny red bug bites on the scalp or on the neck. If you feel a lot of itching after being bitten by head lice, you should get treatment right away.

Fortunately, lice rarely venture outside the head. The bites of head lice are typically found behind the ears and on the scalp. However, in some cases, lice may spread to other parts of the body. Body lice can also cause itchy bumps on the shoulders and pubic area. Although head lice usually don’t spread beyond the head, they can cause itching on the body and a rash in the affected area.

The main way to get head lice is to visit an infected child or other person with the infestation. The infection can be spread by direct contact with the infected person, and through items that come into contact with their head. Common things that can transmit head lice include clothing and pillows, and even your hairbrush. Make sure you wash your clothes and other personal items frequently.

You can treat your lice with a topical or oral antiparasite medication. The treatment may involve using a skin cream or washing your clothes with a special lice treatment solution. Using these treatments is essential to prevent transmission of lice to others. You should also avoid scratching your infected areas, as scratching will spread the infestation.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!