Why Does Irish Spring Repeal Flies?

If you’ve ever wondered why Irish Spring repels flies, the answer is simple: the soap has a pungent scent that pests cannot stand. This is what keeps flies away, and other mammals at bay. The scent is also powerful enough to keep deer at bay.

In addition to Irish Spring Soap, you can also use lemongrass and lavender oil to ward off pesky flies. These natural oils repel flies and are very fragrant, making them perfect for use in the home. In addition to these, you can clean your porch with water to keep flies from breeding. This includes cleaning the floorboards, doors, and windows.

Irish Spring soap is also effective against the most common household pests. It repels flies, spiders, and termites. It also deters fleas. There’s really no need to spend your hard-earned cash on expensive sprays or sprayed-on solutions. Irish Spring Soap is a much safer alternative.

If you live in an area where flies are a problem, you may want to try using Irish Spring soap to help prevent them from invading your garden. Irish Spring soap has an acquired smell that flies hate. But the soap may wash away in rain, so you need to reapply it every day.

Another solution is to put a shallow dish of soapy water on a window sill. Mozzies will land in it, and their legs will get coated with dish soap bubbles. Then they die. However, Irish Spring soap is not a great insect repellent, and you should use a product with higher efficacy. If you’re worried about mosquito bites, you may want to consult the CDC or EPA for the proper choice of products.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!