Why Are There Flies in My House?

There are many possible reasons for why there are flies in your home. Some are related to the time of year. During the warmest months of the year, insects tend to breed more. Some species are also drawn to certain areas during certain seasons. In addition, open windows and lights during the evening may attract flies.

One of the most common reasons for flies to invade your home is decaying organic matter. Flies breed on this decaying organic matter, including food. This makes them a great source of disease transmission. They can spread skin infections, eye infections, and intestinal infections. Houseflies can also be attracted to a host of other things, including dirty dishes or trash bins. Dirty pet food bowls are another potential source.

Another reason for flies in your home is that these flies reproduce quickly. A single adult fly can lay up to 100 eggs during its life cycle. These eggs can hatch and become adult flies within seven to ten days. As a result, an infestation of flies can quickly turn into a massive problem.

Flies are often attracted to the smell of rotting meat. This smell attracts many different species of flies. They will flock to the odor because they can smell it from miles away. Furthermore, rotting meat provides an excellent breeding ground for maggots. These maggots will munch on the rotting organic matter and eventually turn into more flies.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!