Where Do Horse Flies Live?

Horse flies live in grasslands and woodlands. They gather in groups near freshwater sources, such as streams and decomposing wood. They are also common in pasturelands near creeks. They can also be found around weedy areas. Their short lifespan means that they are only a nuisance for a couple of months.

Horse flies are particularly dangerous because they can spread blood-borne diseases between animals and humans. Their bites can cause dizziness, wheezing, rashes, and allergic reactions. Fortunately, there are ways to keep these pesky insects at bay. Using fly sprays, physical barriers, and petroleum jelly can all help reduce your horse’s exposure to horse flies.

Horseflies can be a problem because they are difficult to kill. The females lay their eggs in moist soil and feed on organic material, like leaves and compost. Keeping your yard clean and free of food scraps can help control the population of horseflies. You can also use citronella candles or torches to discourage them from breeding in your yard.

Horse flies are a serious nuisance for livestock owners. Their bites can be painful and can reduce the amount of milk that a cow or a horse produces. They can also cause grazing problems for livestock. When attacked, animals will tend to gather together in a group to escape the flies. Blood loss can be significant for the affected animals. Studies have shown that a single adult horse fly can consume up to one cc of blood a day.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!