Do Flies Have Nests?

Flies do not build nests like many of their insect relatives, but they do lay their eggs in specific places. This allows the population to grow and support new generations. Some of the common locations that flies lay their eggs are compost, dried foods, pet waste, and grass clippings.

The best way to prevent a fly infestation is to eliminate the source of their food. This may mean eliminating your garbage can and sealing your pantry. Alternatively, you can also try using natural fly repellents. By eliminating these food sources, you can greatly reduce the number of flies that invade your home.

Although flies do not build a traditional nest, they do make piles throughout your house. This is because they like to lay eggs on things with a food supply. For example, you can find piles of leftover food, spills, grease, and other places where there is a lot of waste.

Other common areas where flies can invade your home are in cupboards and under beds. They can also enter your home through outside equipment such as children’s toys or outdoor equipment. In older homes, they can enter through cracks and screen rips. To prevent a fly infestation, it’s important to keep food out of these places and inspect them regularly. If you have a particularly bad problem, you can also contact a professional pest control company to get your home inspected.

House flies usually congregate indoors during the day. You can also find them hanging around garbage cans or potted plants. These places provide moist conditions for the larvae to grow.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!