Why Are Fruit Flies Attracted to Fruit?

Fruit flies are attracted to decaying food and can be a major problem in your home. To reduce fruit fly infestations, store your produce in airtight containers and discard overripe or cracked fruits and vegetables. Also, be sure to clean up any leftover juice or soda cans that might attract fruit flies. You can also use a mesh screen to keep fruit flies from entering your home.

Yeast, a fungus that can be found in fruits and vegetables, can also attract fruit flies. Yeast has the ability to alter the chemical composition of fruit, making it ideal for the larvae to develop and mature. This process also benefits the fly, as it disperses seeds.

Since fruit flies are small, they can enter your home and lay their eggs in any place that contains a source of food and moisture. These insects are especially fond of bathroom and kitchen areas, where tiny spills, debris, and moist cleaning rags can become breeding grounds.

If fruit flies continue to invade your home, traps can be used to keep them away. A simple fly trap consists of an empty jar with an attractive bait inside, and a cover (plastic wrap, sandwich bag, paper cone, etc.). Make sure to make holes in the lid so fruit flies can’t escape the trap.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!