Why Are Flies Blue?

Blue bottle flies are an annoyance to many people, and there are a variety of reasons why they are blue. They eat food, reproduce and spread diseases. If you are concerned about the flies in your home, there are a few steps you can take to control their populations.

First, know what bluebottle flies look like. Their bodies are comprised of a thorax, head, and abdomen. They have black antennae and red compound eyes. They have a strong exoskeleton. They also have sensory hairs on their body and legs to sense taste and smell. These hairs are located on the basement membrane, or epidermis. They can grow up to three-eighths of an inch long.

A common source of flies is dead animal carcasses. A mouse in a mouse trap can attract flies and should be disposed of. Another common source of flies is poison used on a mouse, which shouldn’t be used in a home. Other sources of flies are birds, squirrels, and racoons. These larger animals will produce more flies than smaller animals.

Blue bottle flies are common in many parts of the world. They can enter a home through an open window or door, feeding on organic foods. They are particularly attracted to decaying food. Thunder flies, also known as thrips, are tiny and dark. Their food source is plant sap.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!