How to Get Rid of Tiny Flies in House

If you have fruit flies in your kitchen, you need to find a way to control them. Fortunately, there are a number of natural methods to kill these little critters. One simple trick is to use paper cone traps, which contain an old piece of fruit or printer paper with a small opening. The fruit flies will be drawn to the fruit, and the cone traps are nearly impossible to escape once they’re inside. Another method is to use dish soap mixed with vinegar. This solution is particularly effective because dish soap breaks down the surface tension of vinegar, making it difficult for fruit flies to escape.

Fungus gnats are another common source of insect problems in the house. These flies are non-biting and are attracted to rotting fruit and other organic materials. They breed indoors and can cause serious problems if not controlled. Identifying and eliminating the breeding and food sources is important for controlling the infestation.

The first step in controlling fruit flies is to eliminate the source of their infestation. They can easily infest the kitchen by entering through fruit and vegetable bowls. Fruit flies also feed on decayed organic matter. Keeping the fruit out of your kitchen is not an easy task, so you will need to be persistent and patient.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!