Why Are Flies Always Rubging Their Hands Together?
The primary reason for flies to constantly rub their hands together is to clean themselves. Since they are often found in dirty environments, flies take pride in keeping themselves clean. This process helps them dissipate heat and remove chemical and physical debris, improving their ability to fly. They also make themselves easier to identify and attract a mate.
This process is also beneficial to humans, as it can prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. Flies are notorious for spreading germs and dirt, and this is something we’d all like to avoid. But flies aren’t the only animals that itch. In fact, some people have found that their hands are a common source of discomfort.
It’s also possible that flies are rubbed together for a variety of reasons. First, they want to remove any hair that is near their eyes. This hair can divert up to ninety percent of ventilation away from the eyes. Secondly, it helps the flies walk around by rubbing their hands together.
Another reason flies rub their hands is to clean their limbs and bodies. Their limbs and hands are covered with hundreds of tiny hairs. This keeps their receptors free from physical and chemical debris, and helps them fly around more efficiently.