Which Has Four Wheels and Flies?

If you have ever been bored during a lockdown, you probably already know the answer to the riddle “which has four wheels and flies.” While most people were watching Netflix and movies, others were solving riddles. One of those riddles was “What has four wheels and flies?” It was a fun riddle to solve and the answer is in one word.

The first step is to think of an object that has four wheels and flies. You might imagine an airplane or a garbage truck. The answer is the garbage truck. The garbage truck is a very large vehicle with four wheels and flies. The flies in the garbage truck are actually insects.

Another way to describe the riddle is to imagine a chicken. This creature lays eggs to protect its young, because if it dropped the egg, it would break. The t-rex, on the other hand, did not have evolved enough to have a chicken, so he crossed the road.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!