What Would Happen Without Flies?

Insects play a vital role in ecosystems, helping to control population levels and cycle food. Without insects, the planet would suffer. Insects, such as mites, live in our hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Flies also play a role in plant pollination, spreading pollen between flowers. This helps fertilize the next generation of plants. These insects play a vital role in the ecological community, which can be felt by all of us.

Flies are beneficial to the environment because they feed on dead and decaying matter. They also keep the biological world clean by removing organic matter. This prevents the buildup of dead animals and rubbish. Flies also convert feces and poo into food for birds and frogs. Flies also serve a vital role in human health. Their maggots are used to clean wounds. This practice was first recorded in the American Civil War.

Most species of ants are not harmful to humans, and modern medicine allows us to increase our survival rate in an ant attack. In addition to being beneficial to us, ants help us decompose dead materials. Without them, decomposing matter would smell bad. In addition, insects help to increase soil nutrients. Without them, plants would be less productive and would die.

Despite their small size, flies can pollinate plants. Because they do not have teeth, most fly species are incapable of digesting solid food. They rely on their spongy mouthparts to digest their food, which is why their mouthparts look like straws. While some species of flies feed on solid matter, others rely on liquid and vomit-producing foods.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!