What Temperature Will Kill Flies?

If you are trying to get rid of flies in your home, you will need to know what temperature will kill flies. Houseflies will slow down if they are exposed to a temperature of 38 to 47 degrees. In fact, they won’t fly at nine degrees! The best way to get rid of flies is to use fruit bait, which is not very expensive. In addition, you can also use an air conditioner, which will lower the temperature and retard the growth of flies.

Common fruit flies experience a dramatic decrease in lifespan when exposed to temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. While temperatures below this point will not kill larvae or eggs on fruit, they can kill flies that are already on the fruit. In addition, female fruit flies will usually avoid laying eggs on fruit that is kept in a refrigerator. This means you should store fruits and vegetables in coolers at the right temperature.

Most common flies cannot survive temperatures below freezing. They require food and shelter to survive, so if you find flies in your home, you should seal up any holes. During the winter, flies may emerge out of their hiding places to keep themselves warm.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!