What Happens When Flies Land on Food?

It’s no fun when flies land on your food, and it’s even worse when they spread bacteria and viruses. Fly germs can get trapped in fly hair and legs and be transferred from one person to another within seconds. They can also carry diseases, such as cholera and dysentery. In the worst cases, the fly’s droppings may contain typhoid-causing bacteria.

Houseflies and fruit flies can carry a variety of diseases. The most common fly-borne disease is food poisoning. The germs they carry can come from food, feces, or articles they feed on. Whether you’re cooking for your family, entertaining guests, or just preparing the perfect meal, flies can bring disease into your home.

When flies land on food, they will regurgitate their digestive contents on it. This is because they lack teeth or mouthparts to chew, so they use their sponge-like tongue to break down food. They will then regurgitate the food and bring it back up. They may also defecate during this process.

Flies are attracted to human flesh because of its proteins and sugars. In addition to this, they are also drawn to bodily fluids. This means that they are attracted to the scent of human sweat and body oils.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!