How Do Flies Stay in the Same Area?

It is difficult to catch flies, and one of the main reasons they don’t just fly away is because they have erratic flight patterns. Flies tend to circle around a landmark, such as a light source, because they find it comfortable. They also calculate impending dangers and plan their escape.

To measure these behaviors, researchers measured the kinematic angles of blue bottle flies as they landed on the ceiling of a flight chamber. The flies were photographed against two types of mesh patterns. The images were analyzed for their kinematics, which was then used to estimate their linear velocity.

To keep flies from breeding in a particular area, it is a good idea to keep the area clean and dry. This includes eliminating trash and keeping the temperature of the air in the 70s or higher. Also, make sure there is no excess moisture in the air, because this can cause flies to lay eggs while you’re away.

In addition to being an unsightly nuisance, flies can transmit bacteria and even bite humans. To keep your kitchen and food safe, keep your kitchen neat and organized and store food in airtight containers. Never leave dirty dishes in the sink, either.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!