What Flies Are Best For Rainbow Trout?

If you want to catch rainbow trout with a fly, you should use a pattern that imitates an adult mayfly. The Adams Parachute is a great choice. It has a huge parachute hackle and a white post. The fly will attract fish by splashing the water and moving along the bottom.

You should also try the Prince Nymph. This fly is brighter and will be a good choice in deeper pockets. The Pheasant Tail is also a good choice for tailwater rainbows. You can also use the Hot Flash Minnow. This fly will be effective in both deep and shallow water.

When choosing a pattern, consider the time of day when the insects are active. Some insects may hatch during the morning, while others will be active late at night. Also, consider the shade of the fly. You don’t have to match the shade exactly, but you should choose something similar to the color scheme of the trout’s natural food source.

The size of the fly also matters. A smaller fly will work better for smaller trout. If you are targeting an aggressive trout, choose a bigger fly. If you are targeting a stealthy fish, try a small dry fly.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!