What Do Flys Symbolize in Breaking Bad?

The Fly is an important motif in Breaking Bad, and is seen in many POV shots throughout the series. It represents the threat of death and the consequences of Walt’s decisions. It also represents vision, which is one of the strongest layered motifs in the show. Throughout the series, Jesse is often injured in a way that interferes with his eyesight, symbolizing his loss of vision or blindness.

The Fly is also a symbol of the deeper truths in Breaking Bad. The third season of the show reveals Walt’s descent into corruption as he abandons his original goal of making money for his family. This leads him to alienate the people who matter most to him. The fly represents this slow corruption.

The fly also represents motivation and wealth. During this season, the show explores how one can survive a world full of obstacles. While the show often highlights the evil in society, it also shows the self-awareness of human beings. The character of the fly is also a representation of the boss’s emotional life and grief.

Jesse is caught by a fly flying close to the ceiling in the episode “The Fly” and tries to catch it. Walt is concerned that the fly will contaminate the meth he’s making. He tries different methods, including the use of a flypaper. The fly then lands on the ladder, and Jesse catches it, swatting it.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!