What Can I Use to Keep Flies Off My Dog?

If you’re worried about flies on your dog, there are many simple things you can do to help keep them away. First, make your dog’s environment unappealing to flies. Make sure the yard is clean, and clean up any dog poo or fallen produce. This will keep flies away, and it’s a good idea to keep the yard clean to reduce fly population.

Moreover, keep your dog clean and well-fed. Fly bites can be painful and can attract more flies. You should clean and wash your dog’s bedding at least once a week, which will also eliminate fly eggs and larvae. For this, you can use pet-friendly detergent and hot water. For added protection, sprinkle baking soda on your dog’s bedding. Leave it on for about fifteen minutes.

You can also apply an insecticide. However, you should be careful, as some pesticides are toxic for dogs. Therefore, it’s important to dilute it before you spray it on your dog. Some of these pesticides are designed to kill insects and may be harmful if inhaled.

Essential oils can also help repel flies. Essential oils like rosemary, lavender, lemon, and geranium are known for their repellent effects. You can dilute these essential oils with water before spraying it on your dog. However, you should not apply pure essential oils directly on your dog’s skin as they may irritate its skin.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!