How Much Do Flies Sleep?

Scientists are unsure how much sleep flies need to survive. Considering that humans spend almost a third of their lives sleeping, scientists conclude that sleep must have some biological function. However, a new study shows that a common fruit fly can survive without sleeping. This research has implications for understanding how humans sleep and how much time they need to sleep each day.

While adults need around 8 hours of sleep per day, baby flies need even more than adults, especially since they are still developing their brains. In addition, caffeine and alcohol can interrupt their sleep cycle. Even if they are able to stay awake, flies will still find a place where they can be protected from sunlight or predators.

In addition to nighttime sleep, flies also take naps during the day. In fact, in the lab, researchers were able to observe a male fly taking micro-sleeps for 20 seconds before a tube was turned on. These “micro-sleeps” could even result in a “sleepwalk” or “flying.” Although sleep is not necessary for life, it may have some practical applications for humans, other animals, and even flies themselves.

Flies spend their daytime buzzing around with their friends, and then rest during the night. After a long day, flies will seek a cozy place to sleep before the sun sets. Some of their favorite places for sleep include undersides of leaves and twigs, under rocks, and tall grass. A comfortable and safe place to rest for flies is important, since they risk getting eaten by hungry birds or frogs.

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