How Long Do Flies Live Indoors?

If you live in a temperate climate, you may be wondering how long flies live indoors. The answer depends on the type of fly and climate. Many species of flies live their entire lives indoors, while others spend their entire lives outdoors. Some flies, such as house flies, even overwinter in the home. This can significantly increase their lifespan.

Generally speaking, the lifespan of adult flies is about fifteen to twenty-five days, although the lifespan can be longer. Adult flies live longer if they have access to appropriate food and cool temperatures. Adult flies also need food to reproduce. They can only survive for about two to three days without food, so you must provide a good food source for them. Food is also important to female flies, because they need protein to reproduce and lay eggs.

While houseflies live for just a few days, they are extremely prolific breeders, with female flies producing upwards of seventy-five thousand eggs in their lifetime. While most species of flies live for about two weeks, larger species can live as long as three months.

House flies are one of the most annoying types of house pests. They can live up to a month in a home, though they can only survive for about two to three days without food. The duration of their life depends on many factors, including climate, availability of food and water. A clean home is less likely to attract flies, and if you leave food outside, they’ll probably avoid it altogether.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!