How High Do Flies Fly in Australia?

Typically, flies can’t fly higher than three to five thousand feet. However, they can sometimes reach this height if the conditions are suitable. This allows them to study how altitude affects species turnover and the function of ecosystems along natural gradients. It’s important to remember that flies can only fly so high before they freeze.

Flies are found indoors and outdoors, and can be a nuisance at restaurants and bars. Different species prefer different environments and can be difficult to eradicate, but understanding their habits will make it easier to choose the right pest control methods. Houseflies, for example, are a nuisance because their larvae can grow up to 3/4 inch long and feed on dead rodents.

Flies are one of the most diverse orders of insects on Earth. More than 150,000 species have been identified worldwide and are classified into 150 families. In Australia alone, entomologists estimate that there are more than 30,000 different species of flies. In Australia, only 7,700 of them have been named.

Flies are important pollinators. While bees get most of the credit, flies have an equally important role. Female flies lay their eggs in rotting organic matter, which the larvae feed on. The larvae then grow into flies, and in turn, help to fertilize the next generation of plants. In addition to this, flies are important sources of food for birds. Interestingly, they even convert cow poo into food for birds.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!