How Fruit Flies Come About
If you are wondering how fruit flies come about, it’s important to understand their life cycle. The adult female fruit fly will lay a cluster of eggs on rotting fruit. These eggs will hatch into larvae. The larvae feed on organic matter and eventually migrate to a dark place where they will develop into pupae. The pupae will then feed on the decayed material in the fruit, and will develop into an adult fruit fly in eight to ten days.
It’s important to wash fruits and vegetables regularly to avoid fruit fly infestations. Whether you’ve bought your produce from the grocery store or have grown it in your own garden, washing fruits and vegetables is an essential part of preventing fruit flies from infesting your kitchen. If you don’t wash your fruit before preparing it, you’ll end up with a breeding ground for the pests.
Another way to keep fruit flies from breeding is to make your home inhospitable to fruit flies. One way to do this is by mixing vinegar with dish soap and placing it near fruit and vegetables. The vinegar will attract fruit flies to it, but the dish soap will reduce the surface tension and cause the flies to drown.
Fermented organic matter is the primary source of nutrition for the fruit fly. Fermented fruit beverages, vinegar, and other food products can attract them.